ReliabiliTTy® Technology Evaluation Licences

Many of our new customers purchase a ReliabiliTTy Technology Evaluation Licence (RTEL) package as a means of exploring our technology and developing their first TT design.

Further information about RTEL packages is provided on this page.

[This page was lasted updated: 2022-06-09]



RTEL scope


ReliabiliTTy Technology Evaluation Licences (RTELs) allow organisations to explore the potential benefits of Reliability Technology by carrying out detailed prototyping or evaluation activities.

More specifically:

  • RTELs allow organisations to develop designs incorporating ReliabiliTTy Technology at up to Technology Readiness Level 7 (TRL 7), as defined below;
  • RTELs do not allow organisations to sell or give away products based on ReliabiliTTy Technology.



Please contact us for further information.


RTEL Licence Package (RTEL-Licence)

In summary*, RTEL Standard Packages provide:

  • the right to use our technology – including our public TTRDs – in your design (for evaluation purposes, up to TRL 7);
  • two copies of the ‘ERES2‘ book.

Fees for the above RTEL Licence Package are £5,000** for a 24-month RTEL Site Licence.

These fees apply for any type of product, in any sector (but please see comments about defence systems below).

Please contact us for further information about this package.

* This is simply a summary of the licence terms. Please contact us for full details.

** All stated fees are in UK Pounds and may be subject to VAT (depending on your location).



RTEL Support Package (RTEL-Support)

In summary*, RTEL Support Packages provide:

  • the right to use our technology – including our public TTRDs – in your design (for evaluation purposes, up to TRL 7);
  • up to 16 hours of technical support from SafeTTy Systems, provided by phone / conference call and / or email;
  • two copies of the ‘ERES2‘ book.

Fees for the above RTEL Support Package are £7,000** for a 24-month RTEL Site Licence.

These fees apply for any type of product, in any sector (but please see comments about defence systems below).

Please contact us for further information about this package.

* This is simply a summary of the licence terms. Please contact us for full details.

** All stated fees are in UK Pounds and may be subject to VAT (depending on your location).



RTEL Training Package (RTEL-Training)

In summary*, RTEL Training Packages provide:

  • the right to use our technology – including our public TTRDs – in your design (for evaluation purposes, up to TRL 7);
  • a TTb training course for up to 6 people, delivered online;
  • up to 16 hours of additional technical support (after the training) from SafeTTy Systems, provided by phone / conference call and / or email.
  • six copies of the ‘ERES2‘ book plus six printed copies of the training notes.

Fees for the above RTEL Training Package are £12,000**, including a 24-month RTEL Site Licence.

These fees apply for any type of product, in any sector (but please see comments about defence systems below).

Please contact us for further information about this package.

* This is simply a summary of the licence terms. Please contact us for full details.

** All stated fees are in UK Pounds and may be subject to VAT (depending on your location).



Use of ReliabliliTTy technology in defence systems


By default, we do not provide RTLs / RTELs for use in defence systems.

The use of any products and technology in defence systems may involve discussions with the relevant authorities about export control regulations.

If you wish to obtain an RTL for use in defence systems, please contact us to discuss this matter before placing your order.



How to order


Please contact us to place your order.

Formal quotations for ReliabiliTTy Technology Evaluation Licences can be provided, on request.



Further information


Please contact us for further information.

