Microdevice Technologies (Training Partner)

Microdevice Technologies operate as a Training Partner for SafeTTy Systems in Mumbai (India).

Founded in 2005, Microdevice Technologies is a highly-experienced training provider in the fields of embedded systems, IT and related areas. They provide their training services to professional engineers, government organisations and to schools. Since the company was formed, they have successfully trained more than 10,000 people.

The team behind Microdevice Technologies is led by Govind Gaundalkar. Govind is an experienced developer of TT software and is qualified at Level 1 on the SafeTTy Certified programme.

[This page was last updated: 2023-03-16]


TT training courses offered in Mumbai


Microdevice Technologies offer a Level 0 (foundation) course on ‘Embedded C‘.

Microdevice Technologies also offer our ‘TTa‘ (Level 1) course.

The team at SafeTTy Systems (UK) work with Microdevice Technologies to deliver our ‘TTb‘ (Level 2) course in Mumbai.

Further information about TT course offerings in Mumbai can be found on the Microdevice website.

MoU with Dr. D.Y. Patil University’s Ramrao Institute of Technology (RAIT)

Microdevice Technologies is working in collaboration with Dr. D.Y. Patil University’s Ramrao Institute of Technology (RAIT) to deliver courses on ‘Time Triggered’ (TT) embedded systems in Mumbai.

This collaboration with  RAIT is formalised in a 5-year MoU, covering the period from 2023-2027.

The agreement involves delivery of ‘Level 0’, ‘Level 1’ (TTa) and ‘Level 2’ (TTb) training courses and the award of related certificates on the SafeTTy Certified programme.

Further information about the available courses can be obtained from the RAIT website.

MoU with Sardar Patel Institute of Technology

Microdevice Technologies is working in collaboration with Sardar Patel Institute of Technology (SPIT) to deliver courses on ‘Time Triggered’ (TT) embedded systems in Mumbai.

This collaboration with SPIT is formalised in a 5-year MoU, covering the period from 2017-2022.

The agreement involves delivery of ‘Level 0’, ‘Level 1’ (TTa) and ‘Level 2’ (TTb) training courses and the award of related certificates on the SafeTTy Certified programme.

Further information about the available courses can be obtained from the SPIT website.


MoU with Ramnarain Ruia College of Arts & Science

Microdevice Technologies is working in collaboration with Ramnarain Ruia College of Arts & Science (RUIA) to deliver introductory courses on embedded systems in Mumbai.

This collaboration with RUIA is formalised in a 3-year MoU, covering the period from 2017-2020.

Further information about the available courses can be obtained from the RUIA website.


MoU with Government Polytechnic Mumbai

Microdevice Technologies is working in collaboration with the Government Polytechnic Mumbai (GPM) to deliver introductory courses on embedded systems to students in the region.

This collaboration with GPM is formalised in a 2-year MoU, covering the period from 2018-2020.

Further information about the available courses can be obtained from the Microdevice Technologies.


Indian edition of ‘ERES2’ is now available

To support our customers in India, a new edition of ‘ERES2‘ is available:

      Pont, M.J. (2017)

“The Engineering of Reliable Embedded Systems: Developing firmware in compliance with IEC 61508, ISO 26262 and related functional-safety standards using Time-Triggered architectures”

    , (Second Edition) SafeTTy Systems. ISBN: 978-0-9930355-5-5.

The Indian edition of ‘ERES2’ is currently available from Pothi.com at a cost of Rs. 525 (plus delivery).

The contents of the Indian edition are identical to the contents of the corresponding international editions.

