DuplicaTTor® Evaluation Boards from SafeTTy Systems™

The DuplicaTTor® Evaluation Board (DEB-0405) is intended to facilitate the prototyping of:

  • industrial / machinery designs in compliance with IEC 61508 (at ‘SIL 3’) and / or ISO 13849 (at ‘Pl e’);
  • vehicle designs that must meet ‘on road’ and / or ‘off road’ requirements, in compliance with ISO 26262 (at ‘ASIL D’) and / or ISO 13849 (at ‘Pl e’);
  • household goods in compliance with IEC 60730 / IEC 60335 (at ‘Class C’);
  • medical equipment in compliance with IEC 62304 (at ‘Class C’).

DDS-0405 can also be used to prototype civil aircraft designs in compliance with DO-178C (up to ‘DAL A’).

We provide further information about the DEB-0405 on this page.


The photograph shows ‘Release 1’ (DEB-0405-R001): we are currently shipping ‘Release 2’ (DEB-0405-R002).

[This page was lasted updated: 2022-06-10]


Support for other MCU targets


The focus on this page is on our DEB-0405 board.

We can provide versions of the DEB for any microcontroller family (from any hardware manufacturer) – please scroll down this page for further information or contact us for details.

We are also working on a new (public) DEB that utilises two STM32H757 MCUs: further information about this product will be available in Q4 2020. 



DEB-0405 User Guide


For further information about the related DuplicaTTor Evaluation Board, please download the latest User Guide.

[Latest User Guide: DEB-0405-R002-UG-V01F (released 2018-06-29)]



Two independent hardware channels

In order to meet the requirements of IEC 61508 (up to ‘SIL 3’) and related international safety standards, the DEB-0405 incorporates two independent hardware channels. Each channel contains the following:

  • an STM32F405VG microcontroller with debug (JTAG/SWD) and trace (ETM) interfaces;
  • a 16MHz crystal-based oscillator module;
  • a voltage supervisor with watchdog and manual reset functions;
  • a linear power supply (3.3VDC / 400mA);
  • a USB-UART Interface (typically used for reporting to a laptop and / or fault injection);
  • a CAN Interface with protection and on-board termination;
  • a reference voltage source (3.0V ) for analogue measurements;
  • a PTC-based temperature sensor;
  • a 7-segment LED display with driver circuitry;
  • three LEDs (red, yellow, green) for general use;
  • a Power-On Reset (POR) button;
  • a reset button;
  • a user button;
  • two 40-pin port extension connectors.



Using the DEB-0405 with public TTRDs


Several of our public TTRDs can be used with the DEB-0405.



What else will you need to use your DEB-0405?


To make full use of your DuplicaTTor Evaluation Board or DuplicaTTor Design Suite, you will require:

  • A suitable Keil* compiler (e.g. Keil MDK-ARM Essential).
  • A debugger / programmer interface. For example, an ST Link v2 is a cost-effective option.
  • One or two USB cables (USB-A to USB-Mini-B) to support UART/USB reporting.
  • A 6V power supply.

* Other compilers that target the STM32F405 can be used with this board (but at present the code examples that we provide are written for the Keil compiler).



How to order your DEB-0405

Priced at £495 + VAT, the DEB-0405 package includes:

  • a DuplicaTTor Evaluation Board (STM32F405 x 2);
  • the DEB-0405 user guide (PDF);
  • the DEB-0405 hardware guide with full board schematics (PDF).

Please contact us for further information or to place your order.

Companies based outside the EU that wish to purchase DuplicaTTor Evaluation Boards may be asked to complete some additional paperwork.
Please contact us for details.



A fully-customised hardware design based on your DEB prototype


Having used a DEB to explore your design concept, you need to know that you can produce a customised hardware design for your product quickly and in a cost-effective manner: working with our Development Partner, we can help you to achieve this.

For example:

  • we can provide DEB designs based on any MCU family that you wish to use;
  • we can add any additional features that you require to an existing DEB design
  • we can provide cut-down designs (with a minimal component count) to match CorrelaTTor, DecomposiTTor or DuplicaTTor requirements.

We believe that our designs solutions are extremely cost effective.

For example, we can make modifications to the standard DEB design (to match your precise requirements) and provide you with a complete set of Altium® Designer files (with a licence to use in production) for a fee starting at approximately £2000 + VAT (including one full day of design work to customise your board).

Please contact us to discuss your requirements (without obligation).



Restrictions on the use of DEBs

At the present time, DuplicaTTor Evaluation Boards (DEBs) are available only to business customers, for use within the EU.

DEBs are intended only for internal research and development (R&D) purposes in the company that purchases the board(s).

DEBs are not designed for (and are not suitable for) use in a product that is released to consumers in any form.

DEBs are not intended to be complete in terms of product safety or environmental measures. Specifically, as they are intended solely for business R&D purposes, DEBs do not fall within the scope of the European Union directives regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), restricted substances (RoHS), recycling (WEEE), FCC, CE or UL, and therefore may not meet the technical requirements of these directives or related directives in other parts of the world.

Purchase and use of a DEB requires acceptance of these usage restrictions.
